How To Get A Break When You’re A Stay At Home Mom

It’s not secret all moms need a break sometimes. But it can definitely be difficult when you’re a SAHM. So, in this blog I’m sharing how to get a break even when you’re a stay at home mom because it is possible and you deserve it!
If you’re a stay at home mom and you’re wondering how to get a break today, you’ve come to the right place. Getting a quick break when you’re a SAHM doesn’t have to be difficult and you don’t have to feel guilty about it either. All moms need a break, like daily! Being a stay at home mom is an all consuming, 24/7 job, that is often done alone. In this blog, I’m going to share a few tips with you so you don’t become completely depleted and overwhelmed by not having a break. Keep reading, mama!
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This blog is for you if:
- You’re a stay at home mom
- You are feeling tired and overwhelmed
- You might be at your breaking point
- You have very young children (under 6 years old)

What happens when a mom never gets a break?
This is a commonly asked question from stay at home moms. What happens if you DON’T get a break? Well, if you don’t get at least a short break, daily, you will drive straight down a path to mom burnout. If you’re not sure what mom burnout is, I’ll describe it quickly. Mom (or mommy) Burnout is when you become so depleted of energy, both physically and mentally from the stresses of motherhood. You will feel entirely overwhelmed and anxious and all the joy and happiness that motherhood once brought you will be gone, or almost gone.
And it happens when moms do not get a break! This is why it’s so important to make sure you are taking time for yourself. The good news is, you can take a break when your kids are home. You can practice self care in front of your kids! When taking a break feels less difficult (because let’s face it, us moms like to overthink things and make things harder than they need to be) you will actually take the dang break!
I need a break, but I also don’t want to take a break…
I have two words for why you feel this way: Mom Guilt. And let me keep this short and sweet: feeling guilty is a CHOICE. Once you realize this, you can move forward and take that break and truly ENJOY it. All moms need a break, whether it’s for 5 minutes or a few hours, so you do not need to feel weird or guilty about it. It’s normal!

How To Get A Break When You Have a Baby
Now that we know what happens if you don’t get a break and why you need one but also don’t want one, let’s dive into how to get that break depending on the ages of your children. Once your children get older taking a break will be much easier. It’s when they are babies and toddlers that make it more difficult.
1. Utilize Nap Time
When you have a baby who is 100% dependent on you for food, water, sleeping, comfort, etc. it can be more difficult to take a break, but it can also be done! When your baby is napping, take that time to rest. Take a nap, take a shower, exercise, or just catch up on your favorite show. You don’t need to feel like you need to catch up on chores when your baby is napping. You can get to chores later!
2. Take 5 Minutes
As a mom of 3, I know that babies can cry and cry and cry for seemingly no reason. And that can affect us moms in various ways. It can be very overwhelming, overstimulating, and wreck havoc on our nervous system. If this happens to you, it is 100% OK to put your baby in a safe place (like their crib) and walk away for 5 minutes to breathe. Go into your own room where it is quiet and just take a few minutes to regroup and calm down. This is healthier for you and your baby. Your baby might just need a good cry (we all do something, right?) and they might feel better having a few minutes alone too.
3. Make Self Care Easier
Listen, self care is whatever makes you feel better. Don’t let anyone tell you what is and isn’t self care because it will feel completely unattainable and then you’ll just never take care of yourself. When you have a baby at home that you need to spend 99% of your time with, self care is drinking enough water, eating a real meal, (especially before 1 PM) and sitting down to rest for a few minutes.

4. Getting Outside
Getting outside is so great for you and your baby. There is something so calming and reviving about getting outdoors. Also, putting your baby in a stroller for a little while so you can have your body to yourself for a bit is calming. So, get outside and take a walk! Maye your baby will even fall asleep for a little bit!
5. Ask for Help
Remember, asking for help is crucial when you’re a mom. It doesn’t make you weak or a bad mom either, it truly makes you a better mom! If you need a break, let your husband/partner know that you need a break because they are not a mind reader! I’m sure he will be thrilled to help you out. You can also reach out to family and friends for help, too!
RELATED – The Motherhood Burnout Guide: Secrets to Get Your Mom Mojo Back & Enjoy Motherhood Again
How To Get A Break When You Have A Toddler
Ok, now that you have a toddler life is easier in some ways and more difficult in others. Toddlers don’t sit still or stay in the same place like a baby does, they don’t nap as often, and they have some big feelings about well, everything. But on the flip side, they are a bit more independent and don’t need constant supervision. Let’s dive into ways you can take a break with a toddler when you’re a SAHM.
1. Create a Schedule
A schedule can be beneficial for you and your toddler. When you have a structured day it can help lessen power struggles and tantrums in your toddler. And they can help you get everything done, including taking that break! When creating a schedule, make sure to add in a nap time. If your toddler doesn’t nap anymore, a rest time can work too. Your toddler can spend some time in their room while you take your break.
2. TV Time
It’s ok to use the TV as a babysitter for a little while during the day. This can help you get that daily shower you need and deserve and maybe even put on a little makeup. You don’t have to feel guilty about your toddler watching a little TV so you can get a little break!
3. Have a Set and Early Bedtime
Once you have a toddler who is sleeping through the night (or at least longer than 3 hours at a time) have a set bedtime! When your child has an early bedtime, this can give you loads of time at the end of the day to relax, unwind, and have time for yourself! My kids always go to bed by 7:00 and this gives me plenty of time to myself at night while also allowing me to go to bed at a decent hour. If you need bedtime routine help, I have a couple blogs to help you out below:
- Make Bedtime Easier For Kids Without The Drama
- How To Make Bedtime Easier With Kids Using This Simple Technique
4. Ask for Help
There is no shame in asking a friend or family member for help with your kids! We all need a village, even if it’s small. Drop your child off for an hour so you can run some errands alone, go to the gym, or get coffee with a friend. When you take a break to take care of yourself, you are also taking care of your family by giving them a happier, rested mom!

How To Get A Break When You Have Kids Who Are 4+ Years
Now that your kids are a little older, getting a break will be so much easier! Here are a few things you can do.
1. Preschool
Now that your child is older, you can consider signing them up for preschool or even a few hours a week at daycare. This will give you some time to yourself, while giving your child some extra structure, play time, and social time!
2. Schedules/Bedtime
Again, having a daily schedule will be so helpful for you! This also includes having a set bedtime. When you have a solid bedtime routine, it will be easier to get your kids to sleep every night! I highly suggest a 7:00 bedtime for kids under 6 years old, which will give you lots of time at night for yourself.
3. Expectations
At this age your kids are more understanding and beginning to “get it.” You can simply talk to them, explain that moms need a break sometimes, or moms need 10 minutes sometimes, and then walk away into your own space for some quiet time. Whether it’s 10 minutes or 30 minutes, it’s an important lesson to teach your kids! They are learning that it’s ok to take a break and have some quiet time to take come of yourself when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed. That message is truly amazing to show your kids, right?
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Final Thoughts
Now you know how to get a break as a stay at home mom, the only thing left to do is: DO IT! Take that time for yourself to refresh yourself, fill up your cup, or just take some calming breaths. Utilize nap and rest times, take care of yourself daily, and ask for help when needed. Taking a break is beneficial not just for you, but for your family as well! It is much needed and much deserved when you are home with your kids all day. And remember, just 5 minutes can be enough to get through the day when you have a toddler and/or a baby. When we normalize these small breaks throughout the day, we can help a whole generation of moms feel better and do better!
Related Blogs:
- 7 Clear Signs Moms Need A Break And How To Make It Happen
- 5 Joyful Ways To Break Through A Mom Rut And Become Inspired
- Advice for New Moms: 20 Real Things You’ll Want To Know
- To The Burnt Out Stay At Home Mom, You’re Not Alone
- The Power of Setting Healthy Boundaries As A Stay At Home Mom
- The Ultimate Stay At Home Mom Guide You Need To Overcome Mom Burnout
- The Online Course for Stay At Home Moms Who Want To Thrive
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