“How To Draw A Kangaroo” Worksheet From Little Passports

The school year has begun for most of us, and it’s anything but normal. Even if your kids are in school full time, it’s not normal because of masks and social distancing, etc. A lot of kids are even home still, remote learning, or in some weird hybrid model.
That’s why I was super excited when Little Passports reached out to me with this fun kangaroo worksheet. This “How To Draw a Kangaroo” worksheet is the perfect activity for kids. Whether your kids are in preschool, kindergarten, or your homeschooling, this worksheet is for you!
This downloadable PDF teaches kids step-by-step how to draw a kangaroo using circles and lines. It’s a super fun activity when you want to take a little break from remote learning, or you want to add something in to your home school routine.
Roman had so much fun making this! Honestly, I was a little nervous if he would enjoy it or be able to (he’s doesn’t really love to color or draw) but he followed the directions and he did it! You can download the PDF below.

Kids can add some pizzazz to their art once they learn how to draw a kangaroo with this worksheet from Little Passports! This fun printable will keep young minds and hands busy as children practice drawing shapes to make a kangaroo. Little Passport is a great place to find learning activities for young ones.
Download the PDF Worksheet HERE.
Here is Roman’s drawing! I was honestly impressed, he did this all by himself and he had fun doing it.

If you need some more art activities to occupy your kids during the school day, check out my blog here for some mess free crafts!
There’s no doubt this year will continue to be very different. And I’m not sure about you, but I’m ready for 2020 to be OVER! But let’s make the best of the rest of the year, right? I hope you enjoy this craft, please share it with a friend who needs a great art activity!
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