How To Be A Productive Stay At Home Mom In 8 Simple Steps

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If you want to be more productive, you’re in the right place! In this blog, I’m sharing how you can be a productive stay at home mom in just a few simple steps. Lessen that overwhelm and anxiety and start feeling motivated today!

It doesn’t have to be difficult to be a productive stay at home mom! There are so many ways to constructive, while also being a present and happy mom. And once you start feeling motivated and being productive, you’ll realize it’s not as hard as you think. In this blog I’m going to teach you how you can be a more productive SAHM and I’m confident that if you stick to this, you’ll be feeling good in less than 2 weeks! Keep reading for something special at the end of this blog.

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Let’s start being a productive stay at home mom, so you can start feeling less overwhelmed, and just so much better! I think you’ll also start to realize that you’re way more productive than you realize every single day!

Be A Productive Stay At Home Mom

Here are my best tips and steps to help you be a productive stay at home mom as quickly as possible! These 8 tips are things I do daily as a stay at home mom myself, and they help me keep the peace, keep up with chores, and overall, feel like a better mom and human.

1. Set up a daily schedule

I can’t stress this enough. Get into a good daily schedule because it benefits everyone in your home. Having a schedule will help you stay on track and keep up with everything. You’ll realize you have plenty of time in the day to do all the things you need to, when you have a structured day and it’s all planned out. Keep reading for the daily schedule I use to slay the day!

stay at home mom daily schedule

2. Do 1 load of laundry everyday

Since laundry seems to be the bane of every mom’s existence (am I right?) I have a super laundry hack for you! Do one load of laundry every day. That means wash, dry, fold, put away! When you do a smaller load of laundry, more often, you’re more likely to get it done than waiting and doing one big load. On larger load of laundry is way more daunting and you’re more likely to look at it and say “nope, not happening!” Then it gets left behind and never done. Or it gets half done. Or it gets washed and dried and the clean clothes end up on the new “laundry chair.” Stop doing that!! Do one small load everyday, keep up with it, and you’ll be surprised how well it works.

3. Clean as you go

This is similar to the laundry thing…Smaller chunks of cleaning are less overwhelming than big, huge messes. So clean up your house as you go about your day. Don’t let the dishes stack up all day, clean them a few times. Don’t wait until Saturday to do every single chores, pick a couple to do each day. It will literally take you 10-20 minutes of your time, honestly. And if something takes less than 10 minutes, JUST DO IT. Get it done, you will feel so accomplished and proud of yourself.

4. Get yourself ready for the day

Now, to get all these things done above, you gotta be ready to take on the day. And there’s no better way to do that than to get yourself ready! Take a shower, get dressed (even in something fancy, because why not?) and put on a little makeup. You’ll feel more like yourself and you’ll be way more motivated to take on the challenges and duties of the day! It’s truly such a simple mindset shift that can make or break your day. It can take you from sitting around and being lazy, to being the most motivated, ready to go mama ever! And I swear, you’ll feel happier and you’ll be an even better mom. Try it out and let me know in the comments what you think!

be a productive stay at home mom

5. Multitask

Multitask in a good way. Here’s what I mean by this… Don’t do so many things at once that you’re half-a*sing each thing. But while you clean, listen to a podcast. Or while you shower or take a drive, listen to an audio book. These are simple ways to get more done at once, while still being able to give your undivided attention to the task at hand.

6. Get things done ahead of time

Set up routines so you can remember to get important things done. For example, I pack my kids lunches for the next day, after dinner. It’s part of my nightly routine, so I don’t forget to do it and it also helps mornings go much smoother! When you have things all set up and prepared, life has less hiccups. You will feel less stressed, and therefore so will your kids! Because those kiddos feed off our energy! So save your positive energy for them.

7. Go for a walk/get exercise

Get outside to be a more productive stay at home mom. Or exercise, whatever your thing is – do it! You will feel like you’re ripping through your to-do list. Getting outside is also just great for everyone’s well-being, so whether you go outside with your kids, or go for a solo run/walk, that is being super productive and giving you some energy to start your day, or get through the rest of your day!

be a productive stay at home mom

8. Write down everything you need to do

Brain dump everything so you don’t forget. Mom brain is real, and if you’re like me, you forget things almost instantly! Writing things down will help you not only remember, but you’ll feel less anxious by the thought, because it’s written down so you actually can just forget it. I use a good ol’ wall calendar. It’s hanging in my kitchen, I write everything down on it, and each night I look to see what’s going on the next day. It’s a lifesaver and SO simple to incorporate into your life.

Remember, everything you do all day is productive! From helping your kids get dressed, give them baths, and changing diapers, to folding laundry, reading a book, and picking up your kids from school. Don’t ever doubt that you’re not being productive! You are probably wayyy more productive than you realize. But these tips can help get you motivated to start doing more and feeling less overwhelmed with everyday life as a stay at home mom.

If you’re struggling and need some help with setting up routines, chore schedules, and motivating yourself, then I’ve got just the thing for you, mama!! My guide for stay at home moms will help lift the fog you’re trying to see through, overcome the burn out, feel happier and more excited about being a mom again. Enjoy life. Be the mama you always thought you would be. Grab your digital copy below and start feeling better by next week!

stay at home mom guide

Final thoughts

Being a productive SAHM doesn’t need to be hard. Just do these 8 things regularly and you will notice a huge difference in your everyday life!

  1. Set up a daily schedule
  2. Do one load of laundry daily
  3. Clean as you go
  4. Get yourself ready for the day
  5. Multitask
  6. Get things done ahead of time
  7. Go for a walk/get exercise
  8. Write down everything you need to do

Grab the schedule I use everyday to stay on track and be a productive stay at home mom below. This is included in my SAHM guide, but if you’re not ready for that just yet, this free schedule template can be super helpful too!

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