How To Be A Good Stay At Home Mom in 5 Simple Steps

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Ready to learn how to be a good stay at home mom? In this blog I’m sharing 5 easy ways to be one…but chances are, you probably already are a really great mama!

We’ve all heard that saying “If you’re worried about being a good mom, you probably already are.” Well it’s true! And even though I’m sure you’re a great mom, we all need a reminder now and again. So keep reading to learn how to be a good stay at home mom to boost that confidence and for even more resources at the end of the post!

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5 Steps To Be A Good Stay At Home Mom

Let’s dive in to the 5 ways you can be not only be a good SAHM, but a GREAT one! But first, sign up for my email list for a freebie! My Mama Mantras & Perspective Shifts free download, is a great first start to changing your mindset, and helping you feeling happier. I know you want to thrive as a mom! Sign up below and start being the mama you always wanted to be!

Step 1 – Take Care of Yourself

First and for most, to be a great mom, you need to take care of yourself! And you can’t feel guilty about it either. Taking care of you, outside of motherhood, will help you recharge and fill your cup. When you are a happier, calmer version of yourself, you’re a better mom! So go out with your friends, go get that manicure, or have a date night with your husband. Whatever it is (big or small, pricy or free) you deserve it!

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Step 2 – SAHM Schedule

Get into a routine/schedule. Having a set routines throughout your day are a great way to build structure for you and your kids. Children thrive when they know what to expect each day because it makes them feel safe and secure. I have many blogs about daily routines and schedules that I will list at the end of this blog!

Step 3 – Practice Independent Play

Help your child learn how to play independently. Just like anything else in your child’s life, they need practice at this. It does take time. But teaching your child to play independently is a great gift for them and you! When your child can play alone, it allows you some time to yourself, to get chores done, or even just go to the bathroom alone! So once your child is around 12 months old, start practicing independent play in small time increments. You won’t regret it! Especially if you’re someone like me, who just can’t do the pretend play with her kiddo.☺️

Step 4 – Don’t Stress the Little Things

When you stop sweating the small stuff as a stay at home mom, things change. You become happier and more confident. Here are a few things you shouldn’t stress about anymore:

  • Your children having tantrums in public (it happens to all of us and chances are people aren’t noticing it!)
  • Your house being perfectly clean. I admit, I need my home to be tidy to stay sane, but in no means do I keep it immaculate. It looks lived in for sure!
  • Eating McDonalds for dinner. Or any kind of fast food! Happy kids with full bellies are the best kids!!
  • Play dates/socialization. Of course, socializing is great for kids (and you, mama)! But don’t over think it. Just going on a trip to the grocery store is good for your kids, or heading to the library for story time. It doesn’t need to be a major, planned interaction.
  • Not spending every second with your kids – We see the quotes about the dishes over flowing and the laundry never getting done because we must hold our children close always. And I get the sentiment, time goes by really quick. But if you’re like me, and don’t want to sit all the time and cuddle or play with your kids because you need to get chores done too, then that’s ok! You’re spending plenty of time with your kids throughout the day, despite all the other things you’re doing!

Step 5 – Remember, you are enough. Always.

Always remember, mama, that no matter what, you are enough. Whether you went out and did all the things, or you have your child signed up for sports and activities….or you have lazy days, watch too much TV, or have no weekend plans: It’s all enough. You don’t have to be a Pinterest mom to be a good mom. You don’t need to do extravagant learning activities and special projects everyday. Everything you’re doing, is great! You’ve got this!

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So, now that you have some added confidence that you are, in fact, doing enough and you’re a fantastic mama, please share this with a friend! Just use the social buttons below. Let’s spread the confidence! Thank you for your support. You can also support me by following me on Instagram @justabasicmama for more stay at home mom life.

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