The Best Daily Schedule For Stay At Home Mom Sanity

I’m a little obsessed with routines and daily schedules for stay at home moms! In this blog I’m sharing the best daily schedule for stay at home mom sanity, keep reading to learn more.
Daily schedule for stay at home mom sanity is essential if you want to thrive as a SAHM! If you’re ready to overcome mom burnout and save your sanity, then this daily schedule for stay at home moms is for YOU! There are so many benefits to having a daily schedule for you and your kids. In this blog I’ll teach you WHY schedules are important and how you can create the best stay at home mom schedule that’s easy and made for real-life. Plus, keep reading for a really sweet freebie!
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Why daily schedules are important for stay at home moms
If you’re a SAHM you need a schedule. There’s really no way around it – trust me. Everyone will be better when you have routines and a schedule in place. They help hold boundaries, keep everyone on track, and they allow your kids to know what comes next in their day. When kids know what to expect each day, they feel safe and secure. Which in turn, can even help build their self-confidence! Daily schedules are a win-win for everyone.
I’m going to share my daily schedule as a stay at home mom that helps keep the sanity in our home. This daily schedule can help reduce overwhelm and burn out and keep you feeling happy and satisfied with your life as a stay at home mom!
Daily Schedule for Stay At Home Mom Sanity
Let’s check out this real-life stay at home mom schedule so you can start taking on each day with confidence!

7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
Wake up, make breakfast, kids get dressed, empty dishwasher from the night before, pack up kids for school.
8:00 AM – 11:00 AM
I take a shower and get dressed / do my hair and makeup. Then I clean up from breakfast and do 1 chore. During this time I let my toddler watch some TV. Then we play a bit and I also put a load of laundry in the wash. Then we run any errands we need to do or we stop at the library for a little bit!
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
My middle daughter is in half day kindergarten, so at this time I pick her up from school and we head home for lunch. After lunch my two youngest will play inside or outside depending on the weather, but I generally limit TV time at this point in the day. While they are playing, I get any cleaning up done that I need to do and switch the laundry to the dryer. I also might blog a little bit or sit and read a chapter of my book. Taking a few minutes for me throughout the day really helps to reset my mood. At 1:00 my toddler goes down for a nap.

1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Now that my toddler is napping, I let my other daughter wind down and watch some TV. I get work done and do chore number 2. I always recommend doing 1 or 2 big chores a day. That way you keep up with the cleaning and you don’t have to spend one entire day doing it all. When chores are broken up into smaller chunks, they are less daunting and you are more likely to get them done!
I also spend some one on one time with my daughter during this time. We might play outback, do a puzzle, or read some books together. Then she will do her own thing — play with dolls, color, etc. Then we pick my oldest son up from school around 3!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
When we get home from picking up my son, we play outside for a bit or take a walk. Being able to decompress from the day is helpful when the weather is nice and we can be outside! Then we have an afternoon snack, relax, and I start dinner around 4:30. We eat dinner at 5:00 at the table, with no electronics on! They are so distracting and my kids probably wouldn’t eat if I left the TV on haha!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
After dinner, my husband and I clean up the kitchen real quick, I get lunches packed for the following day (this is HUGE for a successful morning) and we have some family time. I don’t usually allow my kids to watch TV after dinner because it gets them too wired. Bedtime is easier when they haven’t had any screen-time. I highly suggest trying this out with your own kids if bedtime is a struggle.
We start our bedtime routine around 6-6:15. This means taking baths or showers, getting into pajamas, having a quick bedtime snack, (because you know kids are always starving) and reading books! My oldest goes to bed at 8:00 and my two younger girls go to bed at 7:00. We always sing lullabies right before bed and talk about our favorite and least favorite parts of the day. Then lights out by 7 to 7:15!
My kids having a great bedtime routine, that’s also early, is critical for our whole family. I truly believe when everyone in your home is well-rested, then everyone can thrive. Sleep is so important. Also, when my kids go to bed early, I get me-time!

7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
After my kids are in bed, I finish up any chores I missed. I also fold the load of laundry I put in the wash in the morning. And I spend some quality time with my oldest. We love watching Jeopardy together. 🙂
8:00 PM to 11:00 PM
I will let it be known that I am a night owl! This is my time. Once my kids are sleeping I catch up on any shows I have missed, read a book, and get some blogging done! It’s also time for my husband and I to reconnect from the day. I enjoy my nights and I would never give them up haha!
How to create a daily schedule
At this point you might be wondering, “how do I create my own daily schedule?” Well, it’s pretty easy. First, you must write down the things you need to do. For example school pick up, exercising, extracurricular activities, etc. Then write down your non-negotiables. These are things like, journaling, reading, showering, crafting, anything that is self-care for you, what you love to do. Add these things into your schedule. Write it down. Below you can grab my daily schedule as an example and a blank template that you can fill out to get you started! Then you just need to be consistent. Start doing these things everyday and before you know it, you won’t even think about it anymore! It will just come naturally, a habit.
Use this image to save this daily schedule for stay at home mom sanity to Pinterest for later!

Final thoughts
The key to a great schedule is making it work for you. You won’t enjoy it and you won’t keep up with it, if it feels “blah!” So make it fun and make it something that you look forward to everyday. There’s not doubt it will be tough to get into it at first, especially for your kids, but it will be worth it. When it stick to these routines and schedules, your kids will learn that there’s no backing away from them and they will start using it naturally, too. I truly believe you will notice a huge shift in everyone’s moods and behavior when you have a great daily schedule set up! So give it a try and let me know in the comments if you have any questions.
Take your daily schedule a step further. Dive deeper into your daily life as a stay at home mom. Learn why you are always overwhelmed and how to feel better. Grab my stay at home mom guide and go from burnt out to thriving in less than 4 weeks!

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