Being a Stay At Home Mom: How To Enjoy It

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Being a stay at home mom comes with lots of perks, but it also comes with a few downsides and negative judgements. In this blog you’ll learn 5 ways to truly enjoy being a stay at home mom and that it’s OK to be happy in the role!

There are a lot of judgements around being a stay at home mom. We’re lazy, we get to sit around our house all day and do nothing, we can’t complain about anything, life is easy peasy, the list goes on and on! We as stay at home moms know none of that is true! While there are perks to being a stay at home mom, like not having to worry about an alarm, wearing whatever we feel like, and not having to listen to anyone (besides demanding toddlers) the downsides can sometimes we wearing.

This blog is for you if:

  • You’re a stay at home mom
  • You’re feeling overwhelmed by it
  • You feel like you’re losing yourself in motherhood
  • You need tips to feel more like yourself

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I think society and influencers sometimes can make us feel like being a stay at home mom should be hard. Being the “default parent” is overwhelming and difficult. And while being a mom is tough (like any job can be) I think it’s important to know that you can and should enjoy it. That it’s ok to be excited about being a stay at home mom and it’s ok to feel like it’s not always hard and overbearing like it’s made out to be.

But, if you’re feeling overwhelmed in motherhood and being a stay at home mom is making you feel like you can’t breathe and you’re constantly drowning, then this is the blog for you. Here are 5 ways you can turn your mindset around so you can begin enjoying being a stay at home mom!

enjoy being a stay at home mom

Enjoy Being A Stay At Home Mom

Change your perspective

You GET to be a stay at home mom! It’s not for the feint of heart and it’s a privilege to be able to stay at home and be the “default parent” for your children. I won’t lie, I kind of hate this new term “default parent.” Stay at home moms are special, and I truly believe we should remember how much of an honor it is the best the go-to parent for our children and to be the safe spot for our children.

This doesn’t mean we need to be with our children every second of every day. It’s important for us to take time away from motherhood, too. It’s a great way to reset and fill our cup. But by simply changing our perspective to I “GET” to be a stay at home mom can help shift our mindset to enjoying this time instead of constantly feeling run down and burnt out.

Get ready for the day

Just because we might spend a majority of our time at home, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t get ourselves ready for the day. Just like we change the baby’s diaper and get them out of her pajamas each day, we should do the same for us! If you can’t squeeze a shower in, that’s ok. But make sure everyday to change out of your pajamas, put on a little make up and do your hair. You’ll be surprised how much better and more motivated you feel when you do! And because you feel better, you’ll do better. Which is something you and your children deserve.

being a stay at home mom

Find your stay at home mom tribe

There are so many ways to meet moms these days. Check local facebook pages and groups for any town mom groups. If you can’t find one, create one! Another way to find moms is your local Y, your local library, and through classmates at your child’s school or daycare. Even if you just have one other stay at home mom friend, you will find so much more joy in being home!

Also, social media can be a great way to find a community of moms too! Check me out on Instagram @justabasicmama for real mom life tips, advice, and fun!

being a stay at home mom

Get out of the house

Everyday you should try to get out of the house. It helps pass the time, it gives everyone a change of scenery, and it resets the mood. I know it can be challenging and overwhelming in itself to just get the kids into the car, but overall it will be a game changer. Even if you just drive around and grab a coffee, it can help to calm everyone down. For me, I know just being in the car where my kids can’t touch me for a few minutes makes me feel better.😂

Here are a few ideas of places you can go to get out the house:

  • Your local library
  • The park
  • Just go for a walk
  • Find an indoor playground (they’re great place to meet other SAHMs!)
  • Run errands
  • Check out your local Y
Completing the Puzzle

Have fun being a stay at home mom!

Remember to have fun as a stay at home mom! And that can be anything that makes you happy. You don’t have to be a Pinterest mom, you don’t have to do a million crafts, you don’t even need to have constant activities and events to go to! You can have fun right at home. Put on some music and have a dance party. Play board games, get outside, make running errands an adventure, heck, have a movie day when you just can’t muster up the energy to do anything else! At the end of the day, it will all be ok.

Because at the end of the day, what matters is that you were there. You got to spend your day with your kids watching them learn and grow. You never have to miss a thing, and that is amazing in itself. So, as long as you are there and loving on your kids, you’re doing everything right!

Final thoughts

Being a stay at home mom is demanding and challenging. But it doesn’t have to feel overwhelming all the time! Make sure to get on my email list (click the pink button below) so you never miss a thing, find that mama community you need, and get tips to feel less overwhelmed all the time! Because we didn’t become moms to feel burnt out all the time. When you join you’ll also get my free download for mamas to help you shift your mindset and become a happier SAHM!

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being a stay at home mom

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