Being A Girl Mom: 20 Interesting Things You Need To Know

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This one is for the girl mamas!! In this blog I’m sharing 20 things you probably didn’t think about when becoming a girl mom. Being a girl mom is truly the best, keep reading to learn more!

Being a girl mom is a true honor if you ask me! Especially this day in age, where we are breaking glass ceilings and raising strong, independent, kind girls! Having a baby girl is a serious transformative journey, filled with joy, challenges, and countless unforgettable moments. If you’re expecting a baby girl or have recently welcomed one into your life, congratulations! Being a girl mom is a truly unique experience that comes with its own set of joys and surprises. As you embark on this journey, I want to share with you, as a mom of 2 girls, all the interesting and fun things you must know, that you probably didn’t even think about yet!

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20 Interesting Things You Need To Know About Being A Girl Mom

Let’s dive into 20 fun and different things you must know now that you’re a girl mama!

mom and daughter hugging

The Power of Pink

Get ready to embrace the color pink in all its shades! From adorable baby onesies to pretty dresses and accessories, pink will become a prominent part of your life as a girl mom. But remember, it’s not just about the color—it’s about celebrating femininity in all its forms. Also, I use to think that pink was a “baby” color and that I couldn’t possibly like the color pink. But I lied to myself for too long, I love the color pink and I’m not afraid to say it!

Mini Fashionista

Your little girl might develop a love for dressing up and experimenting with different outfits from a young age. Get ready for impromptu fashion shows and playing dress-up together. Encourage her creativity and self-expression through fashion.

Bonding Over Hair

Whether it’s brushing her hair, experimenting with hairstyles, or simply admiring her locks, you’ll find that bonding over hair care becomes a cherished ritual. Take the time to teach her how to care for her hair while enjoying these precious moments together. Side note though, it won’t *always* be fun. There will be a lot of screaming over getting the knots out of your daughter’s hair, but ultimately she will love when you style her hair and that part is worth it!

Being a Girl Mom Means Tea Parties and Pretend Play

Get ready for tea parties with stuffed animals, make-believe adventures, and endless hours of imaginative play. Encourage her creativity by joining in her pretend play games and letting your imagination soar together.

being a girl mom

Embracing Emotions

Girls are often more in touch with their emotions, and as a girl mom, you’ll have the opportunity to nurture her emotional intelligence from a young age. Encourage her to express her feelings openly and create a safe space for her to do so. Remind your daughter that it’s ok to cry, to show emotion, and talk about her feelings!

Strong Female Role Models

You get to surround your daughter with strong female role models! From real-life heroes to fictional characters in books and movies, show her that she can be anything she wants to be and inspire her to dream big.

Being a Girl Mom Means Having Empowering Conversations

As she grows older, engage in empowering conversations with your daughter about body positivity, self-confidence, and the importance of believing in herself. Help her develop a positive self-image and resilience in the face of challenges by teaching her positive affirmations and having a healthy mindset.

being a girl mom

Navigating Friendship Dynamics

From playground pals to teenage cliques, navigating friendship dynamics can sometimes be tricky. You have the honor of being there to offer guidance and support as she learns valuable lessons about loyalty, kindness, and standing up for herself.

Educational Empowerment

Encourage her curiosity and thirst for knowledge by providing access to books, educational toys, and experiences that spark her interest. Support her academic pursuits and celebrate her achievements every step of the way. Always remind your daughter how proud you are of her and be a strong supporter through all her endeavors!

Being a Girl Mom Means Breaking Gender Stereotypes

Challenge traditional gender stereotypes by exposing your daughter to a wide range of activities and interests. Let her explore sports, STEM subjects, arts, and humanities without limitations or preconceived notions. Don’t hold her back from her interests!

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Body Positivity and Self-Love

Promote a healthy body image and self-love by emphasizing the importance of inner beauty, kindness, and self care. Teach her to appreciate her body for all that it can do and to treat it with respect and compassion. You can teach her these things by DOING. Never call yourself fat or stupid or weak in front of your daughter. If you struggle with confidence, let your daughter be the reason you build yourself up. Be confident for her!

Period Talk

As she approaches puberty, have open and honest conversations about menstruation, reproductive health, and self care during her menstrual cycle. Normalize the experience and provide her with the information and resources she needs to feel confident and empowered. As millennial moms, many of us did not have these conversations! They don’t have to be weird or uncomfortable topics, talk from her heart and be confident.

Celebrating Milestones

From her first steps to her graduation day, celebrate every milestone in your daughter’s life with pride and joy. Create lasting memories and traditions that she’ll cherish for years to come.

Finding Her Passion

Encourage your daughter to explore her interests and passions, whether it’s music, art, sports, or science. Support her in finding her unique talents and pursuing her dreams with determination and enthusiasm.

Navigating Social Media

As she grows older, help your daughter navigate the world of social media responsibly. Teach her about online safety, healthy boundaries, and the importance of authenticity in a digital age. Don’t let her on social media until you know SHE is ready, even if that means she dislikes your choices. She will thank you in the end.

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Self-Expression Through Art

Encourage your daughter to express herself through art, whether it’s painting, drawing, writing, or any other form of creative expression. Art can be a powerful outlet for emotions and a means of self-discovery.

The Mother-Daughter Bond

Cherish the special bond you share with your daughter and make time for one-on-one activities and heartfelt conversations. Whether it’s a mother-daughter spa day or a weekend getaway, invest in your relationship and create lifelong memories together. This might be an unpopular opinion, but don’t be best friends with your daughter. A Mother-Daughter relationship is SO much more important and satisfying.

Resilience and Strength

Teach your daughter resilience and strength in the face of adversity. Help her develop coping skills, problem-solving abilities, and a growth mindset that will serve her well throughout her life.

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Empathy and Compassion

Foster empathy and compassion in your daughter by leading by example and instilling values of kindness, generosity, and empathy towards others. Encourage her to be a force for good in the world and to use her voice to make a positive impact.

Being a Girl Mom Means Constant Unconditional Love

Above all, shower your daughter with unconditional love and support. Let her know that you’ll always be there for her, no matter what life throws her way. Your love and guidance will be the foundation upon which she builds her future. How powerful is that?

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    Final Thoughts on Being A Girl Mom

    Being a girl mom is a journey filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities. Embrace the unique experience of raising a daughter, and cherish every moment as you watch her grow into the incredible woman she’s destined to become. Parenthood is a remarkable adventure, and being a girl mom is a privilege that will bring you immeasurable joy and fulfillment. Here’s to the incredible journey ahead!

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