Be A Happier Mom: 10 Things I Do Daily That Help

Sick of feeling like a burnt out stay at home mom? Check out this blog to learn how to be a happier mom with these 10 daily shifts.
If you wondering how to be a happier mom, you’re not alone. And since you’re reading this blog, I see a happier mom in your future!😉If you’re sick of feeling mommy burn out and exhausted and overwhelmed all the time, you came to the right place! You can be a happier mom, and you deserve to be. In this blog I’m sharing 10 things I do every single day that help me to be a happy stay at home mom and enjoy motherhood more, even through the demands of my 3 kids. Keep reading to learn how you can be a happier mom too!
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How To Be A Happier Mom

1. I don’t wake up before my kids
That’s right. I believe that waking up at the crack of dawn is overrated. Plus I’m a night owl. So, my alarm goes off at 7 AM, that way I wake up on time to get my big kids on the bus! You don’t have to wake up early to be successful and productive. I talk about that on my morning routine blog if you want to learn more. It’s insanely simple and you’ll actually keep up with it!

2. Plan out my day
Every morning I write down all the things I need to do that day. This helps me stay on track and ensures that I don’t forget to do anything, because mom brain! This list can be as full or not full as you want. Don’t think you need to do a million things everyday! Once you get in the swing of planning out the errands, chores, and whatever else mom life calls for, you’ll see your days get less and less complicated. That’s because you will keep up with all the things which will simplify life and you’ll feel way less overwhelmed!

3. Keep my house tidy
Did you know keeping your home cleaned up and decluttered can actually help lessen anxiety? It makes sense to me though. When things are tidied up, your home looks nicer and more peaceful. Declutter your space, declutter your mind, right? Even the act of cleaning up can help reduce stress! That’s why I take at least 15ish minutes a day to tidy up my living space. Around nap time I clean up from the morning and at night time, I clean up all the afternoon mess.
4. A happier mom sticks to daily routines and schedules
I preach routines and schedules all day! They are good for you and your kids. When everyone knows what to expect there is less stress and commotion and happier kids all around. I will leave some stay at home mom schedules and routine resources at the end of this blog!

5. Set boundaries
Set boundaries in every aspect of your life! With your friends, family, husband, and kids. It’s ok to say no, it’s ok to do things you don’t want to do. And in turn, you don’t have to feel guilty about your decisions. You need to do what is best for you and your family always. Don’t worry about how that makes other people feel. It’s YOUR life!
6. A happier mom gets herself ready for the day
Get yourself ready every single day. But getting out of your pajamas is the big one! Get dressed and put on a little make up and you will feel so much better and will be that much more motivated. Look better, feel better, do better! You have the time, you just need to make it a priority. And you should be a priority!

7. Happier moms have a hobby
I don’t care what your hobby is, free or super expensive, you just need a hobby to be a happier mom! For me it’s blogging and reading. I started picked up a Colleen Hoover book in the summer of 2022 and I haven’t stopped reading since!😂I have expanded my author list, but reading has been a great escape for me after my kids go to bed. And I feel better about reading instead of binging TV for a few hours every night. So mama, find yourself a hobby, whether it’s reading, exercising, writing, whatever, you deserve to do something you love!
8. They ask for help
Happier moms ask for help. It took me too long to learn this one. But even if you ask for help from your husband or kids, that counts! I use to think “I shouldn’t have to ask my husband for help, he should just do it.” I didn’t want to come off as nagging. But it turns out, husbands want to be asked and need to be asked. So help yourself, and get the weight of the world off your shoulders, by asking other’s who you trust, for help when you need it.
9. Happier moms have fun with her kids
This sounds so weird right? Like, shouldn’t you always be having fun with your kids? But this is one that took me too long to learn, too! I was so concerned about raising happy, smart, well-behaved, ready to-take-on-the-world kids that I forgot to have fun! And once I started acting silly with my kids and wrestling, talking funny, being goofy, etc. I felt a shift in our whole house! Better listening, less attitude, just overall, more willing kids. And guess what? Having fun and being silly is WAY easier than being strict and grumpy.🤪
10. They have a set bedtime routine for their kids
Don’t mess with the bedtime routine for kids in my house! Haha! Like I said earlier, I don’t like waking up early. This means, my me-time is time spent at night. That’s when I blog, read, watch my TV shows, and spend time with my husband. My kids go to bed around 7:15 and that is that. I also just believe in good sleep being important for everyone in my home, so my kids go to bed early because they wake up early and everyone is well rested and happier that way!
Final Thoughts on How To Be A Happier Mom
By creating healthy daily habits and adding them into your day, you too can become a happier mom! From planning your day, to getting ready, to having boundaries and bedtime routines, you can learn to shift your days and your mindset. Motherhood is challenging and our kids can really push our buttons. But I truly believe if you build these 10 habits into your day you will feel more secure, confident, and happy in your mothering abilities! What do you think of these habits to become a happier mom? Let me know in the comments.
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