How To Be A Fun Mom Starting Today: 71 Things To Do

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Ready to start being a fun mom? In this blog I’m sharing an epic list of ways you can be a fun mom starting now when fun just doesn’t come naturally to do!

I don’t know about you but I always thought I’d be a fun mom. Everything was going to be an adventure, everyday would be exciting and wonderful. Then I actually became a mom and it was like I forgot how to have fun. (That’s hard to admit, but it’s true.) Has this happened to you, too?? Please tell me I’m not alone! One of my stay at home mom goals of 2024 is to be a way funner mom (I know that’s not a word😜!) I want more laughs and fond memories to be made this year. I want my kids to remember me as a fun and inspiring mama.

So you have probably stumbled across this blog because you want to be a fun mom too. That’s why I’m sharing a bunch of ways you can be a fun mom starting now or tomorrow, or whenever you want! Sometimes fun needs to be intentional and thought out, but you can do it. I always say, t’s never too late to start being the mama you always wanted to be. Even I need the reminder from time to time. But just remember you’re not stuck being the “mean” or “boring” mom. You can change and that’s a wonderful thing to know!

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Be A More Fun Parent

In this blog I’m sharing ideas you can do around home, outside in the backyard, around your neighborhood, and out on the town! These ideas range from free to costing some money. I tried to keep it non-weather or seasonal related (like sledding or water table ideas) but some might be slightly seasonal depending on where you live. So let’s dive in and start being stay at home moms who have way more FUN! Because being fun is way easier and everyone benefits from it.

be a fun mom

How To Be A Fun Mom Starting Today

Here is your ultimate, massive, amazing list of FUN. There’s no excuses now, mama. No more boring weekends with nothing to do! Have fun with your family all year long. You all deserve it! Keep reading until the end for an image you can save to Pinterest.

Ideas To Have Fun At Home

Here are some things you can do right at home to have more fun! Which one will you choose? Tell me in the comments below.

be a fun mom

1. Have a dance party

2. Build a fort

3. Bake cookies

4. Play dolls

5. Read books by flashlight

6. Have a tickle fight

7. Rough and tumble play – Kids loooove to wrestle, so get out some energy the old fashion way.

8. Have a movie marathon – This is great for a rainy day or a cold winter day!

9. Paint on an easel

10. Jump on the bed

11. Use bath paints in the tub

12. Have a scavenger hunt

13. Play with bubbles – Bubble wands have been a hit in our house lately!

14. Plant a tree

15. Play hide and seek

16. Color

17. Do an Activity Pack

18. Order a KiwiCo Crate

19. Start a garden (flowers, vegetables, herbs, etc!)

20. Play charades

21. Play a board game

22. Have a tea party

23. Do a puzzle

Completing the Puzzle

24. Play Uno

25. Look at the clouds and find pictures in them

26. Make Oobleck

27. Do Yoga – We love Cosmic Kids Yoga

28. Use beads or O-shaped cereal to make a necklace

29. Play I Spy With My Little Eye

30. Use sidewalk chalk outside

31. Make a card to send to a family member or a friend

32. Make a sticker collage

Have Fun In Your Neighborhood

Get outside right around your neighborhood to have some fun. You don’t have to drive anywhere for these activities or spend any money!

be a fun mom

33. Go for a walk

34. Search the backyard for leaves and rocks

35. Go bug hunting

36. Have a race

37. Play tag

38. Play sink or float

39. Ride bikes

40. Play hide and seek

41. Play soccer

42. Climb trees

43. Puddle jump

44. Play in the rain

Have Fun On The Town

This section might cost some money, some activities are still free, but these include ideas that will get you out of the house so you’ll need to drive and get a move on!

be a fun mom

46. Go out for lunch

47. Go to an indoor playground

48. Take swim lessons

49. Go to the park

50. Go see a movie

51. Go shopping at Target or the mall

52. Feed ducks at the pond

53. Go to a town forest for a nature walk

54. Go ice skating (indoor or outdoor)

55. Ride the train

56. Go mini golfing

57. Visit the farmers market

58. Do a ninja course

59. Play laser tag

60. Take a cooking class

61. Have a picnic

62. Go to the beach

63. Check out a botanical garden

64. Go to an art class

65. Build-A-Bear

66. Visit the Aquarium

67. Go to the zoo

68. Check out a local kids museum

69. Find a free concert to go to

70. Go out for ice cream

71. Take a walk down town and go window shopping

Final thoughts on how to be a fun mom

Ok that’s a lot of stuff to do! Being a more fun mom sometimes needs to be a bit more intentional but it will help everyone’s mood and behavior change for the better. I can’t wait for you to see it happen right before your eyes! Let me know in the comments below which activities you’re going to try. Plus signup for my email list to get even more real mom life tips, activities, and motivation like this! And get a head start on summer activities!

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Use this image to save to Pinterest so you can come back to it later!

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