If you’re a new mom and have come across the term “Witching Hour,” you might be wondering, “what is witching hour? It sounds a little intimidating!” In this blog, I’ll explain what it means and share tips to help you handle it with confidence. What is witching hour, you ask? Well, let me briefly explain. […]
Stay At Home Mom Advice For When You’re Struggling
Being a stay at home mom can be very trying. In this blog I’m sharing my best stay at home mom advice for any struggling mother, from a stay at home mom of 3. Being a stay at home mom (SAHM) is one of the best most rewarding jobs in the world! But I also […]
Two Under Two Survival Tips For Moms
If you’re a two under two mom, you’re in good company here! In this blog, I share my best tips to help you survive this special time in your life. Having two kids under two years old—also known as “two under two”—makes you part of a unique parenting group! Your life right now is probably […]
Mommy Wine Culture Isn’t Cool, It’s Harmful
Sorry, not sorry, but mommy wine culture isn’t cool. In this quick chat blog I’ll explain why I feel this way and what you can do instead! I know this post about mommy wine culture is probably going to ruffle some feathers, but please hear me out with an open mind as you read this. […]
I’m A 36 Year Old Stay At Home Mom And I’m Not Afraid To Admit…
There’s this mom trend going around social media, Instagram in particular, (that’s just where I hang) that goes something like: “I’m a specific age type mom and I’m not afraid to admit…” For me that goes, I’m a 36 year old stay at home mom of 3 kids and I’m not afraid to admit…And in […]
56 Daily Affirmations For Moms That Help Build Confidence
If you’ve ever felt less than confident in your role as a mother, you’re not alone. In this blog I’m sharing daily 56 affirmations for moms that you can tell yourself daily to help boost and build your confidence! Motherhood is so wonderful, but if I’m being honest it can also be so exhausting, overwhelming, […]
How To Embrace Yourself As A Mom
In this blog learn how to embrace yourself as a mom so you can show up for your family the way you want to! Keep reading for 30 ways you can embrace yourself each day. Motherhood is a true journey filled with highs and lows, joy and exhaustion, and moments of self-doubt mixed with deep […]
5 Activities For A Family Fun Day In Spring
Can you believe spring is almost here? In this blog I’m sharing 5 activities for a family fun day you can enjoy together as the weather gets warmer. Activities for a family fun day in spring is just what the doctor ordered after a long, cold winter, right?! I can’t believe it’s almost March and […]
How To Improve Your Mood Quickly When You’re Feeling Grumpy
As moms, it’s hard to be “on” all the time. And honestly that’s perfectly normal! But having a bad day isn’t really fun either. In this blog learn how to improve your mood quickly for those inevitable grumpy days. We all have “those days.” You know, the ones where everything feels like too much, the […]
Why I Stopped Feeling Guilty For Taking Breaks As A SAHM
Moms are often left feeling guilty for many things, especially taking breaks. In this blog, I’m going to share why I stopped feeling guilty for taking breaks and why it’s ok that you do too! Feeling guilty is pretty much inevitable when you’re a mom. If you’re anything like I was, taking a break most […]