Mom Groups Are Important But Lacking: Here’s What To Do

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Mom groups are a great way to build connection and friendships, but they can be hard to come by. Learn more in this blog why mom groups are important and how you can build community.

Mom groups are such an important aspect of motherhood, but in today’s fast-paced world, they can be hard to find. Motherhood is a beautiful journey, but it can also be a very isolating experience. While the joys of raising a child are immeasurable, the challenges are equally significant. One resource that has historically provided support and camaraderie for mothers is the “mom group.” However, many mothers find these groups hard to come by now-a-days. And it’s not fair. In this blog, we’ll dive into what mom groups are, why they’re important, why they might not be as common as they should be, and what you can do to find or create one in your community!

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mom groups

What Is a Mom Group?

A mom group is a community of mothers who come together to share experiences, offer advice, and provide emotional support. It should be a safe and non-judgemental place for moms to hang out and enjoy themselves! These groups can come in various forms:

In-Person Meetups: Regular gatherings at parks, cafes, or community centers.

Activity-Based Groups: Classes or clubs centered around activities like fitness, crafting, or book discussions.

Support Groups: Facilitated meetings focused on specific challenges like postpartum depression, breastfeeding, or parenting special needs children.

Online Communities: While I don’t love the idea of online mom groups, mostly because many people are much more bold/mean behind a screen, they can sometimes work. Forums or social media groups where moms can connect virtually, is definitely a great way to connect, but I wouldn’t make this your first go-to group. And if an online group is not serving you, step away from it fast!

The primary goal of a mom group is to create a supportive network where mothers can feel understood and less alone in their parenting journey.

Why Are Mom Groups Important?

Mom groups are extremely important for multiple reasons. Here are just a few:

1. Emotional Support

Motherhood is filled with highs and lows. Mom groups provide a safe space to express feelings that others might not understand fully. Sharing struggles and successes with those who “get it” can be incredibly validating and relieving. When you realize you’re probably not the only one going through something, it makes motherhood feel a little less hard.

2. Shared Knowledge

No one hands you a manual when you become a parent. Mom groups are treasure troves of firsthand information on everything from sleep training techniques to the best local pediatricians. This collective wisdom can help you navigate parenting challenges more effectively. Learning from seasoned moms or like-minded moms can be invaluable.

3. Social Interaction

Isolation is a common issue among new moms, especially in our day and age. Regular interaction with other adults can help maintain your social skills and mental health. And I know that sounds a little silly, and you probably often see online all the jokes around not wanting to talk to other people ever, but I assure you it’s important. We need healthy human contact daily to survive. It’s also an opportunity to build friendships that extend beyond parenting!

4. Networking Opportunities

Mom groups can be a springboard for professional connections, volunteer opportunities, or collaborative projects. They can also facilitate playdates and socialization opportunities for your children.

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Why Aren’t Mom Groups More Common?

In-person mom groups seem to be happening less and less and it’s truly sad. So many moms need a “village” and want one, but don’t have the opportunity. There’s a few reasons why, keep reading to find out what I think is the main reason for the uncommonness of mom groups.

1. Busy Schedules

Modern life is hectic. Balancing work, family, and personal time leaves little room for additional commitments. This time crunch makes it challenging for many moms to participate in regular group activities. Many moms tend to think of themselves last as well, not even thinking that a mom group is important enough for them.

2. Lack of Awareness

Many mothers might just be unaware of existing mom groups in their area. Or not even realize that it’s a thing. Without proper advertising or a centralized platform to find these groups, they remain hidden gems.

3. Social Barriers

Joining a new group can be really intimidating! Fear of judgment, embarrassment, or not fitting in can deter mothers from seeking out these crucial communities.

4. Limited Accessibility

In rural areas or smaller towns, there may simply be fewer mothers to form a group. Transportation and lack of suitable meeting places can also be barriers.

5. Lack of Community

Ultimately, the reason I think mom groups are so hard to come by, is a lack of community and even care. These days, so many people have such loud opinions that it can feel scary to reach out or talk about your struggles. Once covid hit, many groups were stopped and just never started up again. Maybe more people were scared of getting sick or again, some opinions around motherhood are so strong that mothers just didn’t want to be part of a group.

How to Find a Mom Group

With that being said, I don’t think there are enough mom groups available BUT they are still out there. Below you’ll find places to seek out a potential moms group for yourself.

Online Platforms

  • Social Media: Facebook groups are a great place to start. Search for groups in your area or ones that align with your interests.
  • Parenting Websites: Websites like and BabyCenter have forums and group listings.
  • Apps: Apps like Peanut are designed to connect mothers with similar interests who are nearby.

Community Resources

  • Local Libraries and Community Centers: These places often host story times, workshops, or classes where moms can meet.
  • Hospitals and Pediatricians: They may have bulletin boards or information on support groups and classes.
  • Religious Institutions: Churches, synagogues, and mosques may have family or women’s group opportunities.

Educational Classes

  • Prenatal and Postnatal Classes: These classes are not only educational but are also a great place to meet other moms in the same stage of parenting.
  • Special Interest Workshops: Whether it’s baby yoga or parenting seminars, these events can connect you with like-minded mothers.

What to Do If You Can’t Find a Mom Group Near You

If you’re struggling to find a mom’s group near you or you’re not finding one that relates to you in particular, there are some things you can do!

1. Start Your Own Group!

If there’s a lack of mom groups in your area, consider starting one yourself! (I DID!) Here’s how:

  1. Identify the Purpose: Decide if the group will be general or focus on specific interests like fitness, cooking, or support for working moms.
  2. Choose a Venue: It could be your home, a local park, or a community center.
  3. Set a Schedule: Consistency helps in building a committed group. Try monthly or bi-monthly meetups to start and if it’s going well, and moms are wanting more, make it a weekly group if you’re able to! Again, make sure to stay consistent by making the meetup on the same day of the week each week.
  4. Promote Your Group:
    • Social Media: Create an event or group page.
    • Flyers: Post them at libraries, cafes, and pediatricians’ offices.
    • Word of Mouth: Tell friends, family, and acquaintances.

2. Virtual Meetups

If meeting in person isn’t feasible, consider online meetings:

  • Video Conferencing: Use platforms like Zoom or Skype.
  • Online Forums: Create a private group on social media or a messaging app like Voxer.

3. Collaborate with Existing Organizations

Partner with local businesses or organizations that cater to families:

  • Gyms: They might offer space for meetings.
  • Coffee Shops: Some may be willing to host mom meetups during slow hours.
  • Indoor Play Gyms: They might facilitate parent meetings.


Ultimately, mom groups offer invaluable support, knowledge, and social interaction that can enrich your motherhood journey. While they may not be readily available in every community, taking proactive steps to find or establish a group can make a significant difference. Remember, the effort you put in not only benefits you but also creates a supportive network for other mothers who may be feeling just as isolated and alone. Mom groups are important and needed, especially nowadays when villages are small and social contact is limited. Be the difference in your community, I know moms will be so thankful to you!

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