Bad Mindset Habits That Are Making You An Unhappy Mom

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If you found this blog it’s probably because you’re ready to change your bad mindset habits! Moms need a more positive mindset to be betters moms. So keep reading to learn more!

If you’re a stay at home mom looking to change your bad mindset habits then you are in the right place! We live in a culture that is constantly bringing moms down, making the struggles seem funny, and glorifying overall a negative mindset. Well, I’m not falling for it! And if you’re ready to change your mindset and the narrative around motherhood then keep reading. I’m so excited for you to make some changes because working on a positive mindset can help you become an even better mama!

In this blog I’m going to talk about 4 negative mindsets you probably think of often and how you can easily fix them. With some work and dedication, you can change your mindset to become more positive! But I won’t lie, it’s work. Constant, daily work and practice to maintain. But you can do it!! Let’s dive in, mama, because I want you to be the best version of you for your sweet babies.

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4 Bad Mindset Habits That Are Making You an Overwhelmed Mom

  • You think you’re a bad mom
  • You stay in your pajamas all day
  • You name call your children
  • You dwell on every decision you make

Let’s learn how you can make changes and fix these bad mindset habits to be more positive and transformational!

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4 Bad Mindset Habits That Cause Unhappiness

Here are 4 bad mindset habits that are probably causing you unhappiness and stress! Yes you read that right…being negative can cause unnecessary stress and overwhelm for you. And who wants that? If you want to be more positive, hopeful, and just a better mama then start making these mindset changes today.

1. Bad Mindset: You think you’re a bad mom

If you are always telling yourself you’re a bad mom then guess what? You will be a bad mom. Your mind is so, SO powerful and what you think most often is what you are. So I always say, if you wouldn’t say it to your friend, then do not say it to yourself either! You deserve to be happy, taken care of, and awesome, so let’s fix it.

Positive Mindset Fix: Use positive self-talk to remind yourself that you are loved, worthy, and enough.

Start telling yourself more often that you’re a GREAT mom. You are enough. You are the best mom for your kids! All these things can help you be more positive and happy! So find your favorite mantra or positive affirmation for moms, write it down where you see it often, and embody that. Because as easy as it is to dwell on the bad things, it can be easy to remember the good too! Always remember that you are human, you’re allowed to have bad days, but what’s important is picking yourself back up and trying again!

2. Bad Mindset: You stay in your pajamas all day

You might be thinking, “that’s not a mindset shift” but I assure you, it is. Think about how you feel when you’re dressed and have makeup on verse when you sit in pajamas and your hairs a mess. There’s a difference. When you’re wearing something cute and you’re ready for the day you probably feel more motivated, peppy, and accomplish more. When you sit in pajamas all day, you’re probably more likely to lounge around and get nothing done. So, staying in your pajamas all day IS a mindset and it’s a poor one. Let’s do something about it!

Positive Mindset Fix: Take a shower, get dressed, and put on a little makeup!

Make time each day to take a shower. It might be a basic need, but it’s also positive self care that you need and deserve. Then get dressed, even if it’s leggings and a t-shirt (the key is to just not wear PJs.) If makeup is your thing, put a little bit on, and take the mom bun out. You’ll be pleasantly surprised how much better you feel and how much more you get done in the day!

3. Bad Mindset: You name call your children

STOP name calling your kids, even if it’s not to their face. And yes, “crotch fruit” and “little jerk” count. (UGH) When you name call it makes your brain focus on the negatives and in turn, it makes you feel worse. Think about when someone calls you a name. Does it make you feel good? Nope, not at all. I get that your kids can drive you crazy and they know how to push every single one of your buttons, but they never deserve to be name called. This is how we fix this:

Positive Mindset Fix: Talk to them like they are the most important people in the room.

Remember, you are what you say you are. Your kids are what they hear. Stop calling them names, they can hear you (even if you think they can’t.) They deserve the utmost respect, just as you do and your neighbor does, and the stranger in the grocery store does. So stop saying your kids are annoying, stop saying they’re bad, and they’re too this or that.

4. Bad Mindset: You dwell on every decision you make

Moms are human. That means she can make mistakes and mess up. And guess what? That’s ok! You’re allowed to make a mistake, it’s good to make mistakes because you learn from them. Reflect on your mistake and figure out how to do better the next time. Apologize to your kids and move on. You cannot dwell on every single bad decision you have made in your parenting life. It’s not healthy or helpful. Let’s fix it!

Positive Mindset Fix: Stop wasting your energy and remember you are making the best choices for your family.

You are a really good mom, I’m sure of it. And that’s because you’re reading this and you’re worried that you’re NOT a good mom. If you weren’t a good mom you wouldn’t be worrying at all. So with that said…you are always making the best choices for your family no matter what anyone else says or things. You can’t overthink everything because you’ll spiral. Always tell yourself you’re doing the best you can to change that negative mindset to a positive one!

Final thoughts on Bad Mindset Habits

Having a more positive mindset can change your life. That’s all there is to it. And let’s be aware that this is NOT toxic positivity. You are going to have off days, you are not going to enjoy every second of motherhood, and that’s all ok. But when we take those bad moments and have more positive thoughts on them, motherhood can feel less hard and less stressful. Change your bad mindset habits for positive ones and I know you will start to enjoy motherhood and your kids even more! Pass on the positive vibes and share this blog with a friend! I’d also love if you would share your favorite Mama Mantra in the comments!!

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