How To Be A Confident Mom In 6 Effortless Steps

how to be a confident mom

If you are wondering how other moms seem to have their sh*t together and you don’t, then check out this blog! I’m sharing how to be a confident mom in 6 seriously effortless steps!

So you wanna know how to be a confident mom right? I mean, you probably stumbled across this blog because you’re like I want to be put together, confident mama, too! And here’s the thing, you CAN BE, but you also have to stop comparing yourself (that’s the first step!) While some moms do put together all the time, I want to remind you that they weren’t always like that, and they might not always be that way either. Confidence, like many other aspects of motherhood, ebbs and flows. Some days are great and other days we need a little extra push.

So in this blog I’m going to help you boost your confidence, so you can be the mama you always thought you’d be! Keep reading for my amazing new guide for stay at home moms, too! You will definitely want to check that out for your journey to becoming a more confident mama!

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What is a mom with confidence?

A mom with confidence is a woman who knows she is doing the best she can. She is happy in the choices she has made for her children and her family. She doesn’t care what other people think of her and those choices. And she has found happiness in motherhood AND she knows it’s ok to have an off day. Let’s dive in more and learn how YOU can feel this way too!

How To Be A Confident Mom in 6 Steps

Here are my 6 effortless steps to help you build your self-confidence as a mom! Make sure you read until the end because I’m saving the best tip for last! Save the image below to Pinterest so you can come back to this blog over and over again!

how to be a confident mom - pin

1. Trust Yourself and Your Intuitions

First and foremost, trust yourself mama! A confident mama knows she makes the best and the right choices for her children, even if someone disagrees with those choices. Everyone parents differently and everyone always has an opinion. You must ignore those other opinions (unless you asked for them) to be more confident!

2. Stop Comparing Yourself to Other Moms

I know the first paragraph of this blog I said “are you wondering how other moms have their sh*t together” which is basically comparing, but hear me out! Of course, comparing is part of normal life, we all do it from time to time. But in order to be more confident, you have to stop comparing yourself to other moms all the time. You will just drive yourself to insanity! What you see on the internet, IG, TikTok, Facebook, and so on, are just highlight reels. Even when moms want to share the most honest and raw motherhood content, it’s still not 100% real. It’s hard to share every difficult moment and even every great moment. Remind yourself often that what you see online is glimpses into someone’s life. You’re seeing seconds of someone’s day, not the whole thing.

Not everyone has their crap together every second, that would be impossible! So just know that when (not if) you have a bad day, you are normal and it happens to everyone because we’re human. You’re allowed to make mistakes, mama! And part of being more confident, is living those mistakes, apologizing for them, and fixing them. Be human in front of your kids and you’ll be surprised how much more confident you feel!

how to be a confident mom

3. Be Positive & Talk Nicely to Yourself

A positive mindset can change your life! If you’re dwelling on all the negative aspects of your life, you will start to believe only the negative things. But when you make simple shifts in your mindset each day, you will FEEL it! You have to find the middle, the balance, of motherhood. Find the in between of “motherhood is so hard I need to drown myself in wine” and “Motherhood is so joyful, I enjoy every single second of it!” These are the extremes we hear daily, once you find the balance of these two things, you will feel more confident. Motherhood, like life, is not black and white. There are going to be ups and downs, good days and bad days, happy days and sad days, and they are all NORMAL.

Need for help on your mindset and how to make healthy changes? Click the button below to get my Mama Mindset download!

4. Take Care of Yourself

You will find confidence in yourself when you take better care of yourself and spend time away from your child(ren). This is because, self care is a way to remind yourself that you matter. When you take care of yourself you are happier, and in turn you will be a better mama! When I had my first two kids, I felt like I was barely staying above water most days. They are 22 months apart, and it was a very challenging time for me because I didn’t take time for myself. I took control over every little detail, didn’t let my husband help, thought I was the only one who could do everything and I burnt myself out big time. I was snappy, resentful, and overwhelmed.

Once I began to ask my husband for more help and take time for myself (even if it was just at home for 10 minutes) I felt SO much better! So make sure to take really good care of you, fill up your cup until it is overflowing and you will be the happiest most confident mama! 🙂

how to be a confident mom

5. Accept Your Child(ren) and All Their Big Emotions

When you realize your child’s big emotions and feelings are NOT a reflection of you, you will feel more confident. A confident mom can walk through a store with a screaming toddler and not care if anyone looks at her. It’s because her toddler is NORMAL. Toddler’s have big feelings they can’t control just yet, and that’s not your fault. You’re teaching them everyday how to handle those feelings, but it takes a lot of time.

A confident mom is fine with her kids being a little loud or walking around a restaurant because she knows it’s impossible for kids to sit for a long period of time. I’m not saying let your kids run wild in a restaurant, but if they need to stretch their legs and they aren’t in anyone’s way, then they are just fine! When you internalize that kids are a normal part of our society, you will embody confidence! Oh, and if someone has a problem with your child, that is a reflection of them, NOT you or your child! So just ignore the haters, mama.

6. Know You Can Change

I saved the best for last because it’s the most important tip to remember! You can change mama! It’s never too late to be the mama you want to be or the mom you envisioned you would be when you first became pregnant. I know I’m not the exact mom I thought I would be. I thought I would be fun and cool and I’ve found out that being a fun mom is something I need to be more intentional about.

The same goes for confidence and happiness. You are not stuck being an overwhelmed and unhappy mom. Everyday is a new day to take steps to change. It might take time but you can make it happen with motivation and community! When you opt-in to my email list you will be part of a community of mamas and you’ll get tips and motivation right to your inbox! So let’s be stay at home mom besties!

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    Summary: How To Be A Confident Mom

    1. Trust yourself and your intuition
    2. Stop comparing yourself to other moms
    3. Be positive and talk nicely to yourself
    4. Take care of yourself
    5. Accept your child and all their big emotions
    6. Know you can change

    I hope you found this list helpful! I’d love to know what you think of these tips, so please let me know in the comments section below!

    Want more like this? Check out my new stay at home mom guide! In this guide you’ll be given the tools you need to be more confident, feel less overwhelmed, and be the happier mama you always wanted to be!

    stay at home mom guide

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