6 Mom Mantras for the Overwhelmed Stay At Home Mom

Need something uplifting and motivational today, mama? Here are 6 mantras I say quite often when I’m feeling overwhelmed with mom life. Plus, read to the end for a freebie!
Mom mantras are super trendy right now. In a world where motherhood is often made fun of and we laugh to ourselves about “annoying kids” and being “bad moms,” I think it’s important to be positive.
And just to be clear – I’m not talking about toxic positivity – another buzz word. I believe we need to feel all the feelings as moms to show our children that it’s ok to have feelings. It’s ok to be happy and sad and angry and excited! When we have these emotions, we get to teach our children how to deal with all these emotions.
So, there’s a difference between toxic positivity and just having a positive, healthy mindset! Our brains are very powerful and I was taught all throughout my childhood that we can tell ourselves what we want to hear! We are what we tell ourselves. So if you want to be a good mom, you must keep telling yourself you are and acting on those words!
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Here are 6 Mom Mantras to help you when you’re feeling overwhelmed with mom life
With each mantra, I have also created a Pinterest size image. Make sure to save these to your favorite Pinterest board for later! You could even screen shot them and set it as the background image on your phone as the perfect little pick me up.
1. I am the best mom for my kids
Your kids probably see a totally different version of you, then you see in yourself. Meaning, you’re too hard on yourself! Your kids love you and I’m willing to bet, think you’re the best mom ever!

2. My feelings and needs are valid, I matter too
Umm, why do we feel guilty for taking care of ourselves so often?! We should not. As moms, we deserve to practice self care as often as we need without feeling bad about it. We can’t pour into our family if we are completely drained. So go out with your friends or get that exercise in because it matters.

3. I am not perfect and I don’t need to be
Let’s end the whole perfection thing! You and no one else on this planet are perfect. It’s impossible to be perfect and we shouldn’t even attempt to teach our children that perfection is attainable. Teach your child to be great, but that they need to make mistakes in order to get there. Teach your child that mistakes are normal, but the shouldn’t make the same mistake over and over again.

4. I can do hard things
Being a mom is hard. No one ever said it wouldn’t be. But you are a strong woman and you can do hard things! Remind yourself of that often.

5. This too shall pass
My mom use to tell me this all the time when I would complain about a hard stage. And guess what? She was right — as moms always are.😉 Some stages of motherhood are so insanely difficult, but they pass so quickly. I know in the moment they seem to last forever, but that’s why we have these mantras to keep up sane and grounded!

6. I am enough
When did “enough” become not enough? I’m over all the fancy Pinterest parties, the overdone baby nurseries, the perfectly aesthetic homes on Instagram, and the holiday goodie-bags. I mean, if that’s your jam it’s totally cool too! But don’t ever think that you are lacking or not enough because you’re not doing what the next mom is doing. Do not play the comparison game! You are enough, just the way you are, always!

I hope you take these mom mantras and think of them often. You really are a great mom! And I’m proud of you for trying to be even better. You’ve got this! Follow me on Instagram @justabasicmama for more mom tips, inspiration, and real mom life!
Join my community of other like-minded, totally normal mamas! Opt-in and also get an even bigger list of Mom Mantras just like the ones above! Plus with this download, get perspective shifts you can make starting today to help you become the mama you always wanted to be!
Use this image to save these Mom Mantras To Pinterest

Want more like this? Follow me and the craziness of motherhood on Instagram @justabasicmama !
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