4 Things Motherhood Teaches You About Life

There are a million things motherhood teaches you! But in this blog we’re talking about the best ones! Snuggle up and get ready to feel sentimental, because we are diving right into the top 4 things motherhood teaches you about life.
We know being a mother is a crucial and important job. Molding children’s minds and literally creating our future is no easy feat and shouldn’t be taken lightly. But becoming a mother can teach us a lot more about life than we may realize. Keep reading to find out a few things motherhood teaches you – plus grab a freebie to help you become the best version of yourself!
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4 Amazing Things Motherhood Teaches You
This blog is for you if you are a mom of young children and you need a simple and sentimental reminder of why our children are our greatest treasures. Because everyone loves a feel good story.
1. Motherhood teaches you to take it slow
We live in a time when everything is instant. We don’t have to wait for anything. And when we want something, we want it now. Motherhood teaches you to slow things down. It’s a reminder that we don’t need to be “go-go-go” all the time. Time goes so, so quickly and once you become a mom it seems to go even faster. So having slower days and enjoying moments is a life lesson in itself. Our children teach us to take in the little things, to look around ourselves and observe, and to ultimately “stop and smell the roses.”

2. It teaches you to see the world through your children’s eyes
This might be one of my favorites. I love taking a step back and seeing the world through my kids’ eyes. Everyday is an adventure to them. They want to learn all the time. Spending family time together and going to the park, or the beach, or a corn maze, is such a big deal to them. They appreciate and truly love doing anything with us. And it’s always, always an experience with them!
3. Motherhood teaches you what unconditional love is
This one might seem obvious, but there’s nothing greater than the love between a mama and her children. It’s an honor and a privilege to be loved by our children and it’s something that should never be taken for granted. Our children also teach and help us to be a better version of ourselves, so we can gain the strength to continue when motherhood gets hard.
4. It actually teaches you that children are our greatest teachers
This is my favorite one. The best one. Things motherhood actually teaches you is that our kids are the very best teachers. Just when we think we need to teach them everything, they blow our minds and prove that they are here to teach us the greatest lessons of life. Love, kindness, humility, strength, perseverance, and so much more are things our children teach us on a daily basis. Children are the best lesson in life that we can have, and should never be taken for granted.

Final Thoughts
Motherhood teaches us so many beautiful lessons. Sometimes you have a dig a little deeper to find the best ones! From slowing down to unconditional love, we ultimately learn that our children are the very best teachers of all and we are truly lucky to have them in our lives. Sometimes I even feel unworthy to be loved by my children! Getting to watch them grow and learn and experience ups and downs with them is the greatest gift of all. What you do think about these 4 things motherhood teaches you? Tell me in the comments section below!
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I’d love to hear the great lessons you have learned since becoming a mother. Please tell me in the comments! And if you loved this blog, please share it with your mama friends by clicking the share buttons below. Thank you for supporting my blog. You can also support me by following me on Instagram @justabasicmama where I talk about the ups and downs SAHM life!
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