Household Chores: 4 Helpful Tips To Get Them Done As A SAHM

Keeping up with chores as a stay at home mom can be tough. In this blog I’m going to help you break down chores so you can tackle a little at a time and be more productive!
Household chores are never ending, I know. Then you have the cooking, school stuff, extra activities, errands, and the list goes on. Mom life right? You might wonder where to get the time to do all these chores. But in this blog I’m going to give you 4 tips to help you stay on top of it all so you can feel less like you’re drowning in motherhood and a little more like your breathing fresh air. Keep reading for an example chore chart for stay at home moms at the end of this post!
Before we dive in, make sure to sign up for my email list. When you do, you’ll get a free daily schedule template right to your inbox, which is the best way to get those household chores done! Sign up below:
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Being a stay at home mom is hard! We are always being pulled in a million different directions. We have so much on our mind’s constantly. A lot is expected of us all the time. Sometimes keeping up with household chores is the last thing on our list. But as someone who needs my space to be tidy or I’m like super anxious and snappy, keeping up with chores in a must! So if you’re like me keep reading, because I’m going to help you out with keeping up with everything!

4 Tips To Get Household Chores Done for SAHMs
The first step to keeping up with chores is being consistent and motivated. To be motivated, get dressed and ready for the day so you can tackle everything that comes your way! The next step is breaking everything down into bite size pieces. Do a a couple chores each day, it’s way easier than doing everything in one day. When you break things down and clean up smaller messes you’re more likely to keep up with it. When you have a huge mess you’ll probably look at it, feel insanely overwhelmed, and just not clean it at all. No good! Clean up smaller messes and keep up better!
1. Laundry
This is the bane of our existence as moms right? Well, call me crazy but I have a laundry system, it could probably be its own blog post, but I’ll keep it brief here. I don’t love help when it comes to laundry because I like to do it my way. My biggest tip though is to get 1 load of laundry done every day. And when I say get it done, I mean wash, dry, fold, Don’t leave it on the couch, or the floor, or the special laundry chair. Just do it!
When you fold it, keep the folded clothes organized so that the clothes that go in the same spot are all stacked together. I put my folded laundry back in the laundry basket then bring it to it’s special place. It takes me about 10 minutes to fold and put away. Then you’re done and you feel accomplished! YAY! Also, choose at least 1 day a week when you DON’T do laundry. Because that’s just good for your sanity.
If you’re seriously struggling with laundry, check out my Ultimate Laundry Guide. It will help you play catch-up, and get into a great laundry routine so you keep up with it!

2. Washing Dishes
You might be the type to throw everything in the dishwasher, and that’s ok. But there are some dishes that I need to wash such as pots and pans, and kid’s dishes. I don’t have a bunch of these items anyway and sometimes they need to be used twice in a day. I designate at least 2 times a day to washing dishes. Either after breakfast or lunch then after dinner. At the same time I wash the dishes, I also wipe down the counters and table. This way everything is always clean and picked up. And yes, whatever I can put in the dishwasher, I do! The dishwasher is probably my favorite appliance. 😉

3. Basic Household Chores – Vacuuming, Cleaning the Bathroom, Picking Up, Etc.
These are things, I think that need to be done more often than monthly. My whole house is carpet so I have to vacuum often, but I choose specific days of the week to do these things. Sunday and Thursday might be vacuum days, so Wednesday can be my bathroom cleaning day, and so on. Make yourself a schedule that works for you. But if you’re cleaning 1 or 2 things each day it will only take you a few minutes, and you’ll have less to clean over the weekend. Keeping up with the cleaning is the best way to not feel like you’re drowning underwater, in my opinion.
When it comes to cleaning up all the toys, well I use to do this literally all day long. Yea that gets to be a little much! So, once or twice a day I clean up the toys, especially in the living room. It makes relaxing at night when the kids are in bed that much more enjoyable. You can also recruit those cute little ones to help you clean up!

4. Dusting, Organizing, Decluttering, Etc.
Unlike number 3, that needs to be done more often, dusting and organizing doesn’t have to be done daily or weekly. I think of this more as a monthly chore. At the beginning of each month dust the baseboards, the ceilings, the fans, windows, whatever. Organize that stack of mail on the table. Go through your kid’s dressers and put away clothes that no longer fit. And go through your own closet, look at clothes you haven’t worn the last month or two and donate them on thredUP (get your clean out bag here!) Or try selling them! I love selling clothes I no longer wear on Poshmark.
Final Thoughts
The point is to keep up with these household chores so it never feels so overwhelming or too much. Don’t wait until you have a full closet and no room in the drawers, or you’re looking at a sink full of dishes from the last 2 days. This makes the task daunting and it just takes longer, and ultimately you will probably put it off. Again. Below I wrote up a chart of what chores to do each day. Try to add this into your daily schedule to keep up with your chores.

Final thoughts
Keeping up with your household chores will only take about an hour out of your day, or even less. That still leaves you with plenty of time to play with and snuggle your babies, have time for yourself, and get out of the house. And at the end of the day having an empty sink and a clean living room will make you feel accomplished and HAPPY! Then you can enjoy sitting on the couch binge watching your favorite Netflix series guilt-free!
If you have a baby and you’re struggling to get things done, try a baby carrier like this one:

Use this image to save to your favorite Pinterest board so you can come back to these household chores tips later!

Related Blogs:
- Daily Schedule for SAHMs
- How To Be A Happier SAHM
- Morning Routine for SAHMs
- Routines for Kids: Why You Need Them
- Activity Packs for Kids
- Stay At Home Mom Goals For 2024 To Help You Thrive
Sharing is caring! Let me know if this was helpful for you and share it with all your mom friends who could use a little help by clicking the share buttons below. You can also help me out by following me on Pinterest and Instagram!
Super helpful tips girl! I love the schedule you made up!
aww thank you so much! I’m glad you found it helpful. 🙂